Hand made using high quality leather
Padding across bridge of nose for added comfort
Waterproof fabric on nose band prevents bacterial and fungal growth. Especially important for dogs with allergies, droopy eyes, and excessive tear production.
Comes with instructions and training tips
Why Choose Canine Head Halter
-No choke: Safe and Humane. Protects your dog's airway.
-No pull: Dogs naturally lean into pressure; this is why traditional collars and harnesses which apply pressure on the dog's throat or chest actually encourage a dog to pull. My unique design applies pressure to the back of the dog's head, which actually causes the dog to stop pulling forward and back up. Once the dog has returned to the proper heel position the pressure is automatically released. The leash attaches behind your dog's head preventing any chaffing, rubbing, or eye irritation caused by other head halter products that have the leash attachment point under the dog's chin.
-Peace of mind: Popular head collar/halter brands can injure your dog's neck if he lunges after a squirrel, frisbee, or another dog. My product will help you safely maintain control of your pet and it won't jerk your dog's head to the side if he lunges.
-NOT a muzzle: Your dog can eat, drink, pant, and chew on toys while wearing.
-Effective: The quick release function is automatic ensuring an immediate reward for heeling. So easy to use it will feel like your dog trained himself.
-Safe: Veterinarian Approved
Primary Color = Leather Color options are black or brown
Secondary Color = Thread Color for the stitching on the nose band (many colors!)
I designed this product for my service dog and together we have put it through thousands of hours of product testing.
I custom make each piece and will work with you and your dog to ensure a perfect fit.
Measure to ensure proper fit:
Length = measure figure 8 starting behind ears, diagonally under jaw, over nose, diagonally under jaw in the opposite direction as before, and ending back where you started behind the ears.
Width = cheek size.
See photo and/or video for additional measuring instructions or contact shop owner.
Instructions on how to measure your dog (with pictures) can be found in the photo section of this listing.
For a video demo of how to measure visit: https://youtu.be/vUIALigSf-I
If your dog is between sizes please write the exact measurement in the note section of your order.
K9 Head Harness Padded
Please measure to ensure proper fit:
Length = measure figure 8 starting behind ears, diagonally under jaw, over nose, diagonally under jaw in the opposite direction as before, and ending back where you started behind the ears.
Width = cheek size.